Composite veneer – Smile Dental Papakura – Dr. Jyothi Dravid

This patient had an over-retained baby eye tooth and her permanent tooth is missing. so she wanted to do something about the small baby tooth which was very noticeable.
As her baby tooth was still strong so gave the option to shape the baby eye tooth into the shape and size of the adult eye tooth with composite teeth bonding. Dr.Jyothi did the 複合貼面. It took 40 分鐘.
The patient was extremely happy with the results and her comments:

” 首先, 我想對出色的服務發表評論, 因為我是一位非常焦慮的病人,所以非常歡迎並聲稱.

第二, 我想評論博士. Jyothi dravid的作品, 我從來沒有像我對她那樣信任牙醫, 她內心有最大的興趣, she has an amazing eye for detail.

She constantly reassures me and makes sure I’m aware of what’s happening which keeps me calm.
She has recently just done me a 複合貼面 on a baby tooth I still had. I have never been so confident to smile my whole life. I can’t thank you enough for that, finally after a long search my faith is finally restored in dentists and be sure to have a patent for life. 再次感謝!! ”

– 滿意的病人.

This great work was done in Smile Dental Papakura branch.